All children are expected to arrive at school wearing correct uniform listed below. Every effort is made to keep our school uniform as simple and as economic as possible. To purchase, visit The School Shop, West Moors.
- Light blue shirt (long or short sleeved)
- FMS tie (blue and white striped)
- Black tailored trousers or a black pleated skirt
- Black tailored knee length shorts
- Black or dark grey socks or tights (white knee/ankle length socks may be worn with skirts)
- FMS V-necked navy blue sweatshirt or FMS navy blue cardigan
- Sensible black flat shoes (covered, with a low heel), no slip-ons, ballet style, no pumps, no logos or trainer style shoes.
Jewellery and Make Up
Pupils are not allowed to wear jewellery and/or make-up to school, including nail varnish and extensions. However, children with pierced ears may wear one set of plain metal studs, rather than sleepers. These will have to be removed for safety during PE/Games sessions. We believe that extreme hairstyles do not support the ethos of the school and ask that parents avoid allowing fashion styles during term time. This includes no inappropriate hair accessories/designs and no unnatural hair colours.
P.E. Kit
- FMS Blue and white reversible long-sleeved games shirt
- FMS logo royal blue short-sleeved shirt
- Black plain shorts (no tight gymnastic or cycling style shorts or logos)
- Long blue socks
- Training shoes, studded footwear*
- Shin pads and a towel
- PE Bag
Tracksuit is optional but if worm must be – plain black or navy tracksuit no logos, no stripes. Hoodies should not be worn during PE lessons.
*Studded Footwear – All children will need studded footwear for football/rugby and hockey type activities. The reason we wish pupils to have studded footwear is for safety and as advised by national sporting bodies and the BAALPE Handbook of Safety in PE. If parents do not wish children to wear studded footwear, they will need to inform the school in writing.
No jewellery is to be worn in PE and Games lessons.
A copy of the school uniform and sportswear (including clothing assistance) policy can be found under the policies section of the website.
The school holds a stock of second-hand uniform available to purchase at very reduced prices – we have sale days which are advertised on ParentMail and social media, but please contact the school office if there is something you would like to purchase before those dates.