Telephone: 01202 876 556
Ferndown Middle School
Peter Grant Way Ferndown Dorset BH22 9UP

Author Zoom – Peter Bunzl

Posted on 04/12/2020

On Wednesday 25th November, pupils from Years 6 and 7 were lucky to be visited for an interactive session on Zoom by Peter Bunzl, the author of the Cogheart book we are currently reading in Year 6. Usually we have an author visit in school each year, but due to current COVID-19 restrictions this is not possible, so a web link was the closest we could get! A huge thank you to Mrs Bolton, our librarian, for helping to arrange the virtual visit.

We spent an interesting hour with Mr Bunzl, who answered a wide variety of questions from our pupils. They were able to find out about his animation and writing career and he talked about his inspiration for the Cogheart series, including: his love for the Sherlock Holmes adventures, the Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe, the valuable experience he gained in writing his own comics as a child, The Hobbit, the Victorians’ fascination with automata (in particular a mechanical duck), and the steampunk scene.