Telephone: 01202 876 556
Ferndown Middle School
Peter Grant Way Ferndown Dorset BH22 9UP

Year 7 Textiles: 'Mr Microbe'

Posted on 15/12/2020

Year 7 have been learning about microbes and the bacteria thermometer in the absence of food tech.  They have designed kids’ toys, based around the reaction of bacteria to different temperatures.  For example, we call 37oc the danger zone.  This is the temperature which bacteria multiply fastest at.

We therefore renamed this ‘the party zone’.  Students made expressions that were excited and happy.  They also created expressions, which were worried or sad, for the other temperatures. Students turned these expressions into applique designs on their faux fur.  Some students took their ideas even further and added extra detail.

We presented our ideas to the class in an Apprentice scenario, with Mrs Hartley as Alan Sugar and the students as top designers at Hamley’s toy store, which of course Sir Alan owned for the activity.  Students pitched their USP’s to Sir Alan.  They added smart textiles to make their ideas even more technological and unusual.  A very fun class, with great results.