Telephone: 01202 876 556
Ferndown Middle School
Peter Grant Way Ferndown Dorset BH22 9UP

Live cooking with Mrs Hartley

Posted on 22/02/2021

The end of this half term was a little different. After the live assembly on Teams, students were able to tune in to ‘Live cooking with Mrs Hartley’. Students cooked along ‘virtually’ at home with their parent’s present. Using a basic Victoria sponge recipe, to make either a traditional Victoria sponge, a layered hidden sweet cake or a larger, smooth-iced, buttercream cake with chocolate dribble.


Students were absolutely wonderful, they were sensible, considered and witty,

presenting Mrs Hartley and Mr Lawford with interesting questions and jokes about baking. Once students had their Victoria sponges in the oven, Mrs Hartley gave them a master class in adding sweets to the centre of their cake, making and smoothing buttercream, adding chocolate dribble and decorating.

The teachers shared examples of the cakes they had made. The students understood the types of cakes they could make based on the skills they had developed in the lesson.

We have created a movie of the student’s bakes. We are so incredibly impressed by their creations. Special mention goes to George who created a two-tier dribble cake. George demonstrated very high-level skills. Also, Elizabeth, who created a very well iced and dribbled Valentine’s cake. Harrison’s buttercream was perfectly smooth.  Taryn created a sugar nest and used Lindor strawberries and cream chocolates for the hidden centre.  Mia created beautiful soft chocolatey buttercream swirls with a butterfly theme.

Thanks to everyone who joined in; it was a pleasure to see you all!