Telephone: 01202 876 556
Ferndown Middle School
Peter Grant Way Ferndown Dorset BH22 9UP

Artist visit with Darrell Wakelam

Posted on 05/07/2021

On Thursday, we had the delight of welcoming Darrell Wakelam, a talented artist, who has created a wide array of sculptures in different schools around the area. He allows each school to have free rein over what they would like him to work on. A select group of both Year 7 and Year 8 pupils were involved in creating two incredible sculptures, one being Willy Wonka and the other being the BFG. We started by using cardboard to develop the 3D structure, then moved on to paper mache and paint. The pupils that were involved were thoroughly motivated and excited by the prospect of what they were creating. The results speak for themselves. Look out for them displayed around the school in the future.