Telephone: 01202 876 556
Ferndown Middle School
Peter Grant Way Ferndown Dorset BH22 9UP

Year 8 Play Visit: Time in a Bottle

Posted on 14/07/2021

Year 8 were very lucky to have Paul Stevens visit and perform ‘Time in a bottle’. A play which raises students’ awareness of the risks of alcohol.

Students appreciated Paul’s quick humour and also his refreshing honestly about the risks and the impact on close family and friend’s lives.  Paul plays ‘Al’, who becomes dependant on alcohol and begins to experience damaging life events as a consequence of his habits.  Students observed the issues linked to relationships, career/job prospects and also academic abilities, whilst using alcohol as a ‘crutch’ to get through life.

Paul’s approach was refreshing and informative, with a question-and-answer session afterwards, which educated students on the facts surrounding the strength of popular drinks.  Students understood that choices made whilst consuming alcohol are often risky, ill-planned and can be damaging to their future careers.

We are grateful to Paul for his hard work in providing all Year 8 students with a play, whilst they were in their bubbles.  This meant performing the play 5 times: an impressive task!