Telephone: 01202 876 556
Ferndown Middle School
Peter Grant Way Ferndown Dorset BH22 9UP

Welcome back!

Posted on 10/09/2021

I hope that you and your family enjoyed the break. It has been wonderful to see the children return to school looking refreshed and eager to learn. We are aware that it is a huge step for some children coming back to school after a long break together with the disruptive year last year therefore, staff have provided activities to integrate the children into their new tutor groups and to become familiar with the school building. We have been very impressed with the positive engagement from the children.

Our thought for this week is Kindness, and looking at how important it is to be kind to each other. No matter how small an act of kindness is, it is never wasted. Being kind to others makes us feel better, less stressed, more fulfilled in our own lives. Scientists have shown that giving and receiving kindness is shown to release shown to release the hormones or serotonin, dopamine and endorphins. Kindness is something that we can all give and that we all like to receive. We are very proud that the children are taking these messages on board and demonstrating acts of kindness in our school.